During my years as a classroom teacher I was on a continual quest to find the most effective ways to guarantee student success. I often thought about how I could create lessons which would motivate my students to work hard. I wondered if the credit my students received was the best way to define what they had learned. I wrestled with trying to meet all the diverse learning styles of my students. I wondered how I could get my students to take more responsibility for their learning. I soon realized that my colleagues were asking similar questions. In this book you will hear the discussions of a group of teachers who worked collaboratively over a course of a year to develop a program for student success. You will read how these teachers develop a proficiency-based program which clearly defines what students need to do to be proficient. Through the year-long discussions you will hear the teachers talking about standards, assessments, rubrics, intervention strategies, lesson design, credit for performance, learning differences, and grades. Now these ideas are all pulled together in this book. It is my hope this book can become your guide as you and your colleagues design a proficiency-based education for your students.
Introduction to Proficiency-Based Education for Student Success
Proficiency-Based Education For Student Success